Tag: terminator

  • Are the Holidays Over for 80s Action Heroes?

    Are the Holidays Over for 80s Action Heroes?

    There’s a saying that in Hollywood there are only two seasons: summer and not summer. This is only partially true. While summer is still the brass ring every budding film production aspires to, of equal importance has always been the Christmas holiday season. Since Star Wars premiered the Wednesday before Memorial Day in 1977, in… Read more

  • How Acronyms Ruin Movies (HARM)

    You can blame the Internet. You can blame cell phone texting. You can blame email. Thanks a lot, king of the world I blame James Cameron. Once upon a time, Mr. Cameron made a little film called Terminator 2: Judgment Day, which, to my recollection, did reasonably well for its day. The marketing behind the… Read more