Andy Serkis' motion-capture performance in 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes'

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Andy Serkis' motion-capture performance in 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes'

Much has been made of a possible Oscar nomination for Andy Serkis’ astonishing performance(s) in Rise of the Planet of the Apes. If there has ever been the nagging question of whether or not it was his performance or the work of the animators that brought the simian Caesar to life, the following video should lay that to rest.

Last week, the entertainment website HitFix posted a behind-the-scenes comparison of Serkis both pre and post CGI. It’s clear the animators did some fine-tuning to Serkis’ very nuanced facial gestures, but it’s all there in the Lord of the Rings actor’s commitment and anguish.

Take a look for yourself:

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